Visit of NURIA ALKORTA (NOVEMBER 3)“El teatro de Calderón: del texto al escenario”


Thursday, November 3, 2016, 5:30pm


Observatorio del Instituto Cervantes, 2 Arrow Street, 4th floor.


Visit of NURIA ALKORTA -- November 1-4, 2016

Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático, Madrid, Spain

Director, Compañía delabarca


Title: “El teatro de Calderón: del texto al escenario” 

Date and time: Thursday, November 3, 5:30 p.m. Reception following.

Place: Observatorio del Instituto Cervantes, 2 Arrow Street, 4th floor.


A founding member and the director of the Compañía delabarca, Nuria Alkorta has been professor of Interpretation at the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático in Madrid since 1999. She launched her teaching career in 1996 in Harvard’s Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, where she developed courses on the Spanish language, studied through classic dramatic texts. She holds the doctorate in Philology and is author of a dissertation titled Del pensamiento a la puesta en escena en el teatro de Calderón [From Thought to Performance in the Theater of Calderón].  In the U.S. she has directed stagings in English of works by Calderón, Cervantes, Chekov, Brecht, Druas and Mamet. At the A.R.T. she served as directorial assistant to Andrei Serban, Scott Zigler and David Mamet.


The Compañía delabarca, founded in 2008, is devoted to the recuperation, study and diffusion of the theater of Pedro Calderón de la Barca, as well as of playwrights attuned to the dramatic art and philosophical concerns of the author of Life Is a Dream.  It was conceived, according to its director, as the focal point of a Center dedicated to research, interpretation and stage production of works written by the writer known as the Baroque’s “Monster Wit”.


Please see attachment for details



The visit of Nuria Alkorta is made possible by the Office for External Promotion of Spanish Culture, a division of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Spain, as well as by the Instituto Cervantes, the Real Colegio Complutense and the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures of Harvard University.



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