Jorge Arteta

Jorge Arteta

Teaching Assistant (Spanish)
Jorge Arteta

Office Hours: TBD

Jorge completed his B.A. at Tufts University and his M.A. Middlebury College. From 1999 to 2018, he was a Lecturer at Brandeis University.  He was an Adjunct at Merrimack College and an Instructor at Salem State University.  Earlier, Jorge was a Spanish Language Instructor, at Phillips Academy, in Andover, Massachusetts.  At Brandeis University and Salem State, he collaborated in the development of the curriculum for Spanish for the health professions. He studied in Paris at the Institut de Sciences Politiques, attended l'École de Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (ESSEC), and lived and worked in Normandy, France.

In addition to teaching and curriculum development, Jorge served as editor, content writer and reviewer for various publications, such as Español Santillana (Santillana), De paseo (Heinle/Cengage Learning), Épocas y avances (Yale University Press), Revista (Vista Higher Learning), Exploraciones (Thomson Higher Education), and Realidades (Prentice Hall). For six years, he worked on the development of a speech-recognition software, Naturally Speaking®, for Dragon Systems. Also, Jorge was a liaison between the United States Information Agency in Washington, the Haitian USIS post and Haitian Fulbright Scholars in the U.S.

He is a member of the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MaFla), the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) and the American Translators Association (ATA).


Interests: Second Language Acquisition, Pedagogy, Heritage Speakers, Literature, History, Issues of Translation and Interpretation

Hobbies: Volunteer work, gardening, swimming, walking, sailing, scuba diving

Contact Information
